
Rice Comparison Chart

In this comparison chart we feature a variety of rices to give you get a sense of how white rice, brown rice, black rice, red rice, basmati rice, and jasmine rice all differ. You can see there are quite a few similarities, too. 

rice comparison chart

While using sticky white rice works great for sushi and red and black rice can be a welcome departure of typical rice - adds a fun color to the plate and has unique flavors too - we here at Four Elephants feel that jasmine rice is always the best choice. It has has a short cook time, affordable cost, and wonderfully balances out meals. 

Jasmine rice, especially when you choose a rice sourced from one of the best Thai growing regions (like we do), is versatile and can be used in nearly any Asian dish.We’ve done the research, and that’s why we only carry jasmine rice in our store. 

Please note that this is not a comprehensive chart of all rice types or data. For instance, there is a Basmati rice equivalant grown in the US and elsewhere, but only rice grown in particular regions of Pakistan and India may be called “Basmati.” Because there are so many strains and varieties, we left some of those details off the chart for clarity.