
Organic Coconut Milk Smoothie Recipe

Smoothies are always in season and always in style. They are an excellent way to pack in the protein, fats, and fruit and veggies you need to feel energized and satiated. Really, all you need is a good blender and a high-quality base (like dairy milk, yogurt, or in this case, coconut milk), and you are ready to go. 

Below you’ll find one of our favorite recipes for a coconut milk smoothie. If you try it, we hope you’ll share your photos and recipes with us on social media. 



- 1 cup Organic Coconut Milk from Four Elephants (shake well and stir well before use) 

- 1 cup coconut water (we like the Chaokoh brand) 

- ½ cup condensed milk (any brand will do the job) 

- 1 ½ - 2 cup of ice 

Instructions: Pour all ingredients into the blender. Blend well. Serve immediately. 

Notes: We like to add a handful of spinach leaves and frozen berries to our smoothies. If you’d like to try that also, be sure to blend the add-ins with the coconut water before you add any of the other ingredients. This will ensure an even mix.